Hitta din pension i andra länder
Har du arbetat i andra europeiska länder och funderar på hur mycket pension du får därifrån? Här får du hjälp att hitta till digitala tjänster i andra länder som visar din intjänade pension.

Har du tjänat in pension i andra europeiska länder? Flera av dem har digitala tjänster där du kan se din intjänade pension. Du kan också få hjälp av Pensionsmyndigheten med att samla in din pension från andra länder.
Mypension.be gives an overview of first and second pillar pension entitlements in Belgium. Second pillar information will be accessible from October 2016. Starting 2017, the portal will also offer an estimation of the total first pillar pension (employee, self-employed and civil servant schemes combined and given certain assumptions). mypension.be is accessible via a Belgian identity card or token and is managed by Belgian public institutions.
PensionsInfo is an online portal where the consumers can gain a complete overview of all their pensions and associated insurance entitlements from all their pension providers. PensionsInfo is a collaboration between pension funds, life insurance companies, banks and the public authorities, including the statutory Labour Market Supplementary Pension (ATP). All Danish pension providers deliver data to the site and covers all three pillars: public pensions (pillar one), occupational pensions (pillar two) and personal pensions (pillar three). PensionsInfo.dk is accessible via a Danish identity card – NemID - and the service is free of charge for the user.
The Money Advice Service helps people manage their money better, improving people’s understanding and knowledge of financial matters and their ability to manage their own financial affairs. We offer free and impartial money advice including pensions and retirement which is available online, in printed guides, over the phone and by webchat. It is a free service for users. We also work in partnership with other organisations to help people make the most of their money. We are an independent service, set up by government.
The website Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl, launched in 2011, provides personal pension information of the two first pillars: the state pension and the employers pension. To get started, you have tot log in with a so called DigiD. The website is renewed in 2015 and presents the information in layers: the visitor chooses the level of details. Next to the personal pension information, the website also informs visitors about the consequences of life-events on the financial status at an older age. Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl is a joint initiative of the Dutch pension funds, pension insurance companies and the Social Insurance Bank (SVB).
La mia pensione futura is the service that allows you to simulate what the pension will presumably be at the end of your work. The calculation is based on the legislation in force and on three fundamental elements: age, work history and salary / income.
Anyone who has earned pension rights (all 3 pillars) in Norway can login to the pension tracker norskpensjon.no and see their entire pensionrights and make pension projections. The service is provided by a private company but is fully financed by the insurance companies in Norway. The service is free of charge for the user.
Have you been working in other European countries? Then many questions regarding mobility and its impact on pension issues may arise. The www.FindyourPension.eu website provides answers to frequently asked questions in terms of pension accrual, entitlements and applications in various European countries in a concise way. In addition, here people employed in the research (public) sector in Europe find the state and occupational pension providers they are/were members of. The initiative aims to support workers in navigating within the European Pension Landscapes and in dealing with their different pension claims. Editor of the website in progress is the FindyourPension project, run by the Supplementary Pension Institution of the German Federation and the Federal States (VBL) and sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
A pension account is available to persons who were born on 1 January 1955 and who have or were insured against a pension in Austria. The pension account and a personal calculation of one's monthly pension perspective according to current legislation can be viewed online.